Andrzej Jóźwiak
"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong!"

March 31, 2023

Creating an Either and testing with it!

In one of my projects I wanted to express that functions can fail. As usual with any JVM/Android code I had an option to use Exceptions or nulls. Still I wanted to have a better way to express the failure. I decided to create a type that can be used to indicate both a success and failure. This would be Either.

Creating an Either type

Either is a sum type (also known as a tagged union, discriminated union, variant record, choice type, coproduct). In simpler words it is just a data structure that is used to hold a value that could take on different types. The types are fixed, cannot be extended, the data structure can only be in one of the cases at any one time.

If Either is supposed to express existence of two distnct values, let’s assume that it has a Left and Right cases. In Kotlin it can easily be expressed with a sealed hierarchy i.e. sealed class or a sealed interface.

sealed interface Either {
    object Left : Either
    object Right : Either

Either defined above is not very useful as the objects defined in the sealed interface do not allow to allow one to return information. In my case I wanted to use this data structure to handle a GameFailure and GameState.

sealed interface Either {
    data class Left(value: GameFailure): Either
    data class Right(value: GameState): Either

This seems like enough but does not allow to express anything else. Generics can help with making the solution more generic (sic!).

sealed class Either<out A, out B> {
    class Left<A>(val value: A) : Either<A, Nothing>()
    class Right<B>(val value: B) : Either<Nothing, B>()

In Kotlin we can use Nothing for the type that is not needed as Nothing is derived from every type.

Using the Either type

Although Kotlin allows us to use when expression, it would be much better to use a built in function that will always force one using Either to handle both Right and Left cases. Let’s call such function fold it will change the values represented by Either into some specified type through the use of two specified functions.

fun <A, B, C> Either<A, B>.fold(
    left: (A) -> C,
    right: (B) -> C,
): C =
    when (this) {
        is Either.Left -> left(value)
        is Either.Right -> right(value)

The usage is very simple.

val result: Either<GameFailure, GameState> = Either.Left(value = NotEnoughPlayers)

val message = 
        left = { "Failure during game start: $it" },
        right = { "Game started suscessfully!" }


In the example above an Either<GameFailure, GameState> is “folded” to a String message that can be printed to the screen.

Asserting expected Either in JUnit

How should a function that returns an Either be tested? As the data type is a sealed hierarchy we can write a when in each test and check what we need.

class SomeTest {
    fun `This is a tested scenario`() {
        // given:
        val expected = ...
        val tested = TestedClass()

        // when:
        val actual: Either<Failure, Foo> = tested.doThings()

        // then:
        when (actual) {
            is Either.Left -> {
                // fail if this is not expected
            is Either.Right -> {
                // fail if this is not expected

Either could be folded into a Boolean and the result could be combined with some assertTrue or assertFalse.

class SomeTest {
    fun `This is a tested scenario`() {
        // given:
        val expected = ...
        val tested = TestedClass()

        // when:
        val actual: Either<Failure, Foo> = tested.doThings()

        // then:
        val result =
            when (actual) {
                is Either.Left -> {
                is Either.Right -> {
                    // check the expected value
                    it == Foo(42) && it.isSomethingImportant()


This is a lot of boilerplate code needed for each test. Using the bare assertTrue or assertFalse does not bring meaningful information about the content of the Either. To solve both problems a custom assert is needed.

Usually the asserts from JUnit or Kotlin test libraries have a similar structure. An assert function expects an actual value, expected value and an optional message.

In case of our Either we can specify the new assert as:

fun <A, B> assertRight(
    actual: Either<A, B>,
    expected: B,
    message: String? = null,
) { }

This definition is very similar to assertEquals

fun <T> assertEquals(
    expected: T,
    actual: T,
    message: String? = null
): Unit

We can leave it as such but there is a problem with the newly specified assert. In case of assertEquals it compares expected with the actual, both have the same type. In case of assertRight, the actual is Either<A, B> and expected is just B, there is no symmetry. Besides the obious lack of symmetry we see that we can only check for equality.

fun <A, B> assertRight(
    actual: Either<A, B>,
    message: String? = null,
    check: (B) -> Boolean = { false },
) { }

Instead of passing a value of type B, a lambda of type (B) -> Boolean is passed. This allows checking for more then equality and building more complex predicates that can be used for testing.

fun <A, B> assertRight(
    actual: Either<A, B>,
    message: String? = null,
    check: (B) -> Boolean = { false },
) {
        left = {
            // we expected Right, so we fail immediately when getting a Left
                message = "Expected a Right but got a Left: $it"
        right = {
            // we use a custom message if supplied or the default if not available
                actual = check(it),
                message = message ?: "Right: $it did not meet the requirements!"

Using the implemented assertRight will remove the boiler plate and give us a lot of information through the builtin messages.

class SomeTest {
    fun `This is a tested scenario`() {
        // given:
        val expected = ...
        val tested = TestedClass()

        // when:
        val actual: Either<Failure, Foo> = tested.doThings()

        // then:
        assertRight(actual) {
            it == Foo(42) && it.isSomethingImportant()

Asserting expected Either in Kotest

JUnit assert was a thing that everyone is used to. One can write an assert function through the use of other already existing assert functions. In case of Kotest library one needs to conform to the style introduced by the library and also its classes.

First we need a Matcher which is the main abstraction of the assertions library. Following the documentation we know:

Implementations contain a single function, called ‘test’, which accepts a value of type T and returns an instance of MatcherResult. This MatcherResult return value contains the state of the assertion after it has been evaluated.

To create an instance of MatcherResult one needs:

  • a Boolean indicating whether the test has passed or not
  • a () -> String function returning a message that should be returned in case of a failure
  • a () -> String function returning a message that should be returned in case of a failure, used in case of negation
fun <A, B> beRight(check: (B) -> Boolean): Matcher<Either<A, B>> =
    Matcher { tested ->
            passed = tested.fold(
                left = { false },
                right = { check(it) },
            failureMessageFn = {
                    left = { "Either had an unexpected Left value of $it" },
                    right = { "Either had an unexpected Right value of $it" }
            negatedFailureMessageFn = {
                    left = { 
                        // what should be returned for this case?
                        // if this matcher is negated and we do not want
                        // a Right but we get a Left then the test will
                        // pass
                    right = { "Either should not have Right value of $it" }

Creating a function that returns a Matcher is not enough, we should conform to the library style and create a proper infix function.

infix fun <A, B> Either<A, B>.shouldBeRight(check: (B) -> Boolean): Either<A, B> {
    this should beRight(check)
    return this

Through this the newly created assertion can be simply used.

class SomeTest : BehaviorSpec({
    given("a new tested class") {
        val expected = ...
        val tested = TestedClass()

        `when`("doing things") {
            val actual: Either<Failure, Foo> = tested.doThings()

            then("the foo should have 42 and be important") {
                actual shouldBeRight {
                    it == Foo(42) && it.isSomethingImportant()

Maybe the name shouldBeRight should be better (sic!) but other then that everything looks nice and should make testing easier.